Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Workout - Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Weighted pull-ups 7x1 (7 sets of 1)

Post load and body weight.

Don't forget to do your lifting before or after your workout - 5x3 80% Front Squats!


  1. WHOA! That's weird! I did this exact workout without even checking the site. I did 25-30-35-45-50-55-90(FAILED OBVIOUSLY, and broke my chain).
    Gotta replace my latch on my weight belt at lowes. I can't believe 90 lbs is the max on that. I did a 90lb weighted dip!

    Front squats: 185x3, 205x3, 205x3.

  2. Nice job. Like I said, my pullup's been terrible lately; I did this workout with no kipping allowed. I did 10-10-15F-15-15-20F. So I got a no-kip pullup with 15 pounds added at a bodyweight of 221. Need to work on my wrist flexibility before I can safely do heavy front squats. did 85-95-115-115-135.

  3. I'm surprised that the chain broke with 90 pounds on there. Sucks.

  4. Yeah. Oh well, Lowes has them for like 50 cents and are probably made for heavier loads.

    On one of my heavy front squats I lost my grip and just balanced it on my shoulders to the top haha.

    No kipping on my pull ups.
    Lately I've been having trouble stringing along more than about 5 pull ups in a row. I don't know what the deal is, but maybe I need to give it a rest for a few days.
