Monday, December 13, 2010

Monday 12/13/2010 WOD

Part I
"Chocolate Rain"
5 rounds for time of:
15 Full Clean and Jerks (115 lbs)
15 Overhead Squats (115 lbs)

Part II
100 Wallball shots for time (I'm going to use a 12 lb medicine ball)

Add your times together for your total score.
Rest around 10 minutes between Part I and Part II.

FULL "Murph"
1 Mile Run
100 Pull ups
200 Push ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run

30 Reps for time:
Snatch 135 lbs

Crossfit Total
1 Rep Max:


  1. Sounds terrible. I'll sub 25-pound plate thrusters for the wallball shots.

  2. hmmm. . . I'm thinking I won't have time to do this workout today. So I'm going to do it tomorrow since I have no class.

  3. 5:53 on the 100 25-pound plate thrusters. I'll do the other "half" tomorrow.

  4. Oh, after I did the thrusters I ran a 28:30 5k. Sucked ass

  5. I did a modified version:
    One round of:
    15 Clean and Jerks (115 lbs)
    15 Overhead Squats (115 lbs)

    then is did 2 rounds of
    10 Clean and Jerks (115 lbs)
    10 Overhead Squats (115 lbs)

    and called it a day. 27:04.

  6. 7:35 Wallball shots.
    24:13 Part I. . . I scaled it down to 95lbs because the overhead squats were pretttty tough.

    Then I did the crossfit WOD off the mainsite.
    Three rounds of:
    10 Deadlifts
    30 GHD situps

    225lb Deadlifts

    Time 9:45

  7. Haha, the whole workout was pretty tough. I'm probably going to try to get some gymnastics/upper-body work in today, and take Thursday off. My legs are soooo sore!

  8. "Murph" 59:48. Feeling good. I'll post the workout I do today.

  9. "Isabel" I failed on rep 19 and couldn't get it after several attempts.

  10. I've been lazy as all get-out due to incredible soreness in my quads. I'm going to go try to do Isabel in the garage now.
