Monday, June 20, 2011

2011 BBA Club Competition - Week 4 Workout - "The Sweet Chipper"

2011 BBA Club Competition - Week 4 Workout ("The Sweet Chipper"):
  • 100 single-unders (jump rope)
  • 50 double-unders (jump rope)
  • 45 seconds handstand hold (against a wall)
  • 40 yards walking lunges with 45 pound plate overhead
  • 35 burpees
  • 30 dips
  • 25 push-ups (lift hands at bottom)
  • 20 overhead squats (OHS) (95 pounds)
  • 15 clean and jerks (115 pounds)
  • 10 snatches (135 pounds)
  • 5 man-makers (25 pound dumbbells)

You must do this chipper in the order listed; you cannot move on to another exercise before completing the previous one.

For the handstand hold, the 45 seconds are cumulative. That is, you can go up for 30 seconds, then rest and you'll only have 15 more seconds to do. The palms of your hands must be within 2 feet of the wall.

For the lunges, your back knee must touch the ground on each lunge.

For the burpees, your chest must touch the ground at the bottom and your feet need to leave the ground on the jump.

For the dips, armpits must go lower than the elbows at bottom, elbows must be locked out at the top of the movement.

For the push-ups, you must lift your hands off the ground at the bottom of the push-up and you must lock out at the top. Try to keep your body one solid piece and try to minimize the "worming."

For all lifts, the bar starts on the ground. You must clean and jerk or snatch the bar to get it overhead for the OHS. You cannot use multiple bars for the different weights, and you must change the weights yourself (add a ten on each side).

For the OHS, the crease of the hip at the bottom must be at least parallel with the top of the knee. Stand all the way up at the top. For each rep, the bar must be locked out overhead the entire rep.

For the clean and jerks and the snatches, be sure to stand all the way up with the weight locked overhead.

For the man-makers, use the standard in this video:, minus the squat portion (power clean and jerk or snatch the weight overhead).

Good luck!

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