Monday, September 6, 2010

Week Three of Endurance Work (September 6-12)

Monday, September 6, 2010
S: Squat, Bench, Clean
EI: 12x1 minute intervals, Rest 30sec between intervals. Hold maximal distance possible on each interval.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010
X: 21-15-9: Turkish Get-ups, alternating arms / Sots press (45# bar)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
X: AMRAP 20min: 5xThruster, 7xHang Powerclean, 10xSumo DL High-Pull (95 pounds)

Thursday, September 9, 2010
ES: Row 5k; 80% for the first half, 90% for the last half.

Friday, September 10, 2010
X: 21-15-9: Pull-ups / HSPU

Saturday, September 11, 2010
S: Squat, Press, Deadlift

Sunday, September 12, 2010
EI: 2min rest between each:  Row 4-5-6-5-4 minutes.  Cover as much distance as possible on each interval.


  1. Squatted with an unevenly weighted bar; I thought they were 35s, but one was a 25. S-295(uneven), B-210, C-195. Rowed (meters): (the 188 was when I didn't start on time)
    268, 248, 256, 248,
    252, 248, 188, 245,
    232, 227, 235, 249.

  2. Sweet assss. Sucks about the squats haha. How's your calf doing?

  3. The calf is feeling pretty good, I think I'll throw some running in starting next week to see how it goes. Damn squats felt WEIRD!! ahaha, I should have known; I knew it was too easy to be 305.

  4. Tuesday I did 2x10 of turkish get-ups and sots press. I started with the bar, but it was too heavy and so I did a 10 pound dumbell for the TGUs and 2 10s for the sots. I know, I'm a little girl.

  5. Wednesday = 7 rounds (75 pounds). I think my left wrist is slightly tweaked from the damn thrusters.

    Thursday I rowed 5K in 26:31. My back is super tired!

  6. Friday, had to scale the HSPUs to 1/2 prescribed amount:
    21 Pullups
    11 HSPUs
    15 Pullups
    8 HSPUs
    9 Pullups
    5 HSPUs

    20:08. Looks like I have on eyeshadow; I think it's some sort of bruising from the HSPUs (I close my eyes for the push, so my eyes don't get so bloodshot).
